Running Reports

Running Reports

  • From our Customer Control Panel select if you are a Commercial Webcaster or a Minimum Fee Broadcaster.
  • If you are a Commercial Webcaster you will be able to select the month and year you are running for.
  • If you are Minimum Fee, select if you are running a monthly Statement of Account (SOA) report or a Quarterly Report of Use. Then you will be able to select the month/quarter and year.
  • You can upload logs for any syndication or manually played content. For information on log format and upload, see this page.
  • The next page shows you each hour of the month, and you can click to see which songs were played in each hour. You will be able to remove any songs that were not actually played.
  • Click to view your performance count (for the SOA), and click again to send yourself the Report of Use (ROU).

For information on submitting the reports, check the Statement of Accounts (SOA) and Report of Use (ROU) section of this page.